Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What works the best?

Yesterday I went to my usual spot at Walmart to distribute my books and after about 30 minutes and collecting about 4 phone numbers, the manager came out and said he got a call from someone who complained and asked me to leave.

Now, it doesn't make sense why someone would complain, since I was well away from the door and only holding up my books asking the ladies if they needed an Avon Lady, and only offering to give the books to those who really wanted one. He said I couldn't be selling things outside their door.

Of course I sweetly exclaimed, "But, sir! I'm not selling anything! I'm simply giving away free books!"

He said I couldn't give away anything either. Sigh...so I submitted and left. Besides, there is another store just down the road and it was busier. LOL

Today, I decided to try cold calling with very little success. I did manage to leave messages on about 15 answering machines, though. Most of the numbers in the phone book I had were either not working or no one was home. Very few of them even had an answering machine. Of three pages in the phone book, I only talked to about 5 people directly. That's sad.

I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon. But, no one can say I am not trying everything!

So far, what seems to be working the best is walking busy parking lots at local stores talking to prospective customers. I think I'll keep doing that.

But, I have a lot of products in my cart I still need to sell, and for that, knocking on doors works the best. Tomorrow, I will be doing that.

I am also thinking of hanging out at the city bus terminal some with my cart.

The weather will be cooling off soon so I can start putting my table up again in some places. I give that another month.

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