Monday, June 17, 2024

Bless Her Heart

I am not about rituals. I don't pray all the time before I eat, because I talk to God all day and I eat with Him. He knows how grateful I am.

I don't go to church every Sunday, because I have church every day; either alone, or with a passenger. I read the Bible every day. I search for truths through the Word of God.

Jesus and I have a relationship. That means that sometimes I want to shake my fist at the heavens and scream at Him. It also means that sometimes I want to cuddle with His presence. Sometimes I want my space, but just like any marriage relationship, I always want Him within reach - whether my door is shut so I can enjoy my time or not.

And, just like any other relationship, when He wants to communicate with me, He's not going to respect that closed door.

Especially when He knows I'll listen to Him, because what He has to say is important to me.

I am not the perfect marriage partner; but, God is.

He created that old southern saying, "Bless her heart..." ... and the meaning behind it.

I'm sure He says it a lot!

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