Tuesday, June 25, 2024


This is for all of you out there who have been following my story on Facebook and here at this blog for the past few years.

You guys know how I have come out on top over and over again. I have been knocked down by some really hard blows, especially over the last year.

I have had everything, and I have had nothing in this life. Over the past year I've lost everything I had again. Not the first time. Probably not the last time, but guess what?

I told you guys 2 years ago that God wanted me out here, travelling, to give up all I had and get a mailbox and storage unit and travel on the road talking to people.

Ninety percent of you said I was crazy and that God wouldn't ask me to do that. So, I hung back, unsure. Uncertain. Did God really want me doing what He told me He wanted me to do? What I thought I heard?

Circumstances last year made it impossible for me to do anything other than what got me where I am today - with a storage unit, a mailbox and living in my car, travelling, talking to people every day.

Last year I didn't know if I was Job or Jonah...but this year, I look back and realize that I am EXACTLY WHERE GOD WANTS ME TO BE!

On this road, as I was getting where I am, I found out who my real friends were, and which family members would treat me like family. I met some REALLY special people who are still in my circle today. People who helped me get where I am so I could give all the Glory to God.

And, I found out that God doesn't take "no" for an answer. He doesn't take, "give me time", or "wait..." unless HE is the one who is saying it. He's the boss.

When God wants you to do something, He will put you where He wants you so you can, or be miserable trying to get back to where you were.

I'm out here, now. The way I see it, I'm where God wants me to be. I might as well embrace it and enjoy it, rather than do like Jonah did and sit and pout under a tree until it dries up and still leaves me with no shade to enjoy.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Bless Her Heart

I am not about rituals. I don't pray all the time before I eat, because I talk to God all day and I eat with Him. He knows how grateful I am.

I don't go to church every Sunday, because I have church every day; either alone, or with a passenger. I read the Bible every day. I search for truths through the Word of God.

Jesus and I have a relationship. That means that sometimes I want to shake my fist at the heavens and scream at Him. It also means that sometimes I want to cuddle with His presence. Sometimes I want my space, but just like any marriage relationship, I always want Him within reach - whether my door is shut so I can enjoy my time or not.

And, just like any other relationship, when He wants to communicate with me, He's not going to respect that closed door.

Especially when He knows I'll listen to Him, because what He has to say is important to me.

I am not the perfect marriage partner; but, God is.

He created that old southern saying, "Bless her heart..." ... and the meaning behind it.

I'm sure He says it a lot!

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25)

It does not mean go to church, I don't care who said it from the pulpit today.

It means to assemble yourselves with other Christians, no matter where you are.

Church is just a good place to be to do that.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't go to church. I'm saying that Sunday meeting at a church building is not the end all be all to being a good Christian.

If I hang around with people on a regular basis, it's going to be with people who believe and trust God as I do. It's going to be with people who can edify me and encourage me and constructively criticize me when needed in love and protection of what belongs to God.

But I find it offensive for anyone to stand up at the pulpit and say that if you don't come to church you're not doing what God told you to do. That is so wrong! That is not what the Bible says.

It is not offensive because I don't want to go to church. It is offensive because it is not what the word of God says. And to say that God's word says something that it doesn't is offensive.

If I ever go to church, it is going to be to a church that does not think I am sinning if I don't go to church on Sunday every Sunday. And it's going to be with people who will reach out and pull me out of the fire if I happen to fall in, not with people who will pray over me while they watch me burn.

I really doubt that God is going to close the gates of heaven in my face because I didn't go to church every Sunday. If He closes the Gates of heaven in my face it's going to be because I denied Him in front of my brothers and sisters. I denied the power that He has over your life and mine. I denied that He is everything and without Him we are nothing. And I denied having faith that tomorrow is going to be a better day because the Lord said so.

Praise God I would never do that!

He is my provision, my protector, and my best friend. He is my husband, my parent, and my advocate! He is everything to me. I don't need to go to church in order to tell everybody what a great God I have! I do that in my car everyday as an Uber driver!

According to my Bible, which is the same one that is preached from that pulpit in error, I am the church. My body is the Temple of Christ. Just as is everyone else's who believes and trusts in Him.

1 Corinthians 3:16 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Good morning, World!

I have finished my daily Bible Reading.

Today, I will be gathering all of my tax information. It's time I go and get this taken care of, and start paying on what I owe.

I won't have much to work with, seeing as I couldn't work much in 2023. Just Uber, Lyft and Spark.

I did so little on Grub Hub and Door Dash, they didn't even prepare me any information.

Other than that, I'm sitting around eating broccoli and cheese cake all day. LOL. I did eat a sausage sandwich for breakfast, though.

I've been taking my medication religiously. I am actually starting to feel better. I wonder if the infection in my leg wasn't spreading and that is why I felt so bad. The antibiotics are helping.

I had a good day yesterday. I worked a full 8 hours. And, I emptied my storage unit and closed out my storage account to save money. I paid my insurance, my snap bill, my mailbox, and part of a personal loan given by a friend.

I could go in and pay off all my loans, but then I wouldn't have money to make money with, so I will continue to pay them until they are paid off. It looks better on my credit that way, anyway, and if I need the money from any of those accounts for any reason until they are paid off, I can still use those accounts.

Of course, I'm not going to use any of them...except my big Elastic loan. I plan on using THAT one to help me pay off the other loans.

Next month about this time, I should have at least one loan paid off.

Everything is working as planned. I'm so de-stressed right now! (Except for my health).

Which reminds me...I need to call Wadley to see what kind of program they have for me that they offered me in the mail to day to help pay my bill.

I also owe $26 for the labs they did.

Never-the-less, life is looking up right now.

Oh, and I got my yearly 1099 form from Spark. Did you know I made about $8700 on Spark alone last year? That's not counting all the other apps I did. I sure wish I could see some of that money....it all went down the drain on this car.

Tomorrow is the Sabbath.

I bought a cheesecake to snack on tomorrow. I don't plan on getting out of my pajamas all day.

Ya'll have a blessed day!

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Doctor's Visit

Good morning, World!

I couldn't sleep after that long nap I took last night, and didn't get to sleep until about 5 AM this morning. Then, I had to wake up and rush to get ready to go to the doctor, so I am posting this late.

The doctor told me that Wadley ER would not send her the records she requested, so she had some more labs done on me today. I have another appointment on April 1 at 8 AM.

My doctor's visits are covered with the sliding scale through the program Genesis Primecare has set up for the uninsured. But, I have to pay for my labs and my prescriptions.

My doctor gave me another prescription for some antibiotics. I'm getting another small blister on my leg. But, my previous sore is finally healing, slowly.

It itched so bad last night, I picked the scab off...but at least there was a scab; and, itching means that it is healing.

I'm going to try to work some today before it starts raining.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Growing Old

Good morning, World!

It's a new day.

Yesterday, I came back to my room early because I don't like twiddling my thumbs.

I decided to pick up an old hobby and start posting the news again. I broke out my old source list and started updating it.

A lot of the sources I have for news are outdated and no longer useable. There are new ones in their places. So, I am having to go through, one by one, and check them from A-Z.

Politics is like that. Every day, new people come on the scene to offer current news. Every day, people drop out, or get voted out.

Also, I have debated what to write my book about. I don't think I am going to write a book about my life. There is too much to tell, and not enough time or pages could cover it all, and I am too much of a detail freak. So, I think I'm just going to stick with my blog and Facebook for that.

I'll just stay online.

I might change my mind later.

I feel my body changing daily. The health I once enjoyed seems to be going downhill, fast. It frightens me...

But, I know God is in control, and I am looking forward to the end result.

I am just not looking forward to the process of getting there.

Ya'll have a blessed day!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Jesus, Fried Chicken and Good Earnings

Good evening, World!

There was a gentleman that walked up from his wife's rehab to get a cup of coffee at the EZ Mart. The lady at the counter had already run off one guy who came to loiter.

So when he sat down at the door to rest before he went in, he was warned by another customer. He explained that he was coming from the rehab and he would be walking back he just wanted to rest before he got a cup of coffee.

I went in to use the restroom.

When I came back I told him that if he would get his cup of coffee I would take him back to the rehab and he wouldn't have to walk. I explained that I was an Uber driver.

He went in and got his coffee and came back and asked me if I minded. I told him no, that's what I'm out here for. I'm doing the Lord's work.

I gave him the number to go go grandparent so that he would be able to get a ride anytime he needed it.

The conversation in the car was worth having. All the way around.

This is why I do what I do.

I learned, years ago, that we should LOOK FOR opportunities to serve Jesus. We shouldn't just hope something lands in our lap. That rarely happens.

So, I saw this gentleman as an opportunity, and I took it. I'm glad I did.

I also bought a microwavable bowl, a paring knife, a big spoon to stir my tea with, and three spoons for just $5.51 at the Dollar tree.

I had an awesome day driving for Uber and Lyft today. I made about $150 in less than eight hours.

And, I ordered some fried chicken for supper tonight.

I know I shouldn't have it, but after yesterday...well, I caved.

I did good in the stock market today. I pray every day is at least as good. That is what is paying my bills right now, and helping me save for a new car eventually.

Now, I'm fixing to turn on some TV, eat my chicken and relax the rest of the night!

THIS is the abundant life!

Ya'll have a blessed night!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Mouths of Babes

Good evening, World!

I had a good day.

I woke up at 9 AM, bathed, fixed myself something to eat, then I went to work until about 10:30 a.m..

Then, I went to Liberty Ministries International Church (used to be Flower Acres Baptist). Brother Johnny Murphy was the pastor there.

He preached on "end results" (consequences) of decision making, one way or the other.

But, before he preached today, there was a little boy, about 5 years old that walked into Brother Johnny's office and said he wanted to preach today.

Brother Johnny couldn't say no to him, because the little boy was carrying his Bible. His mother heartily assured Brother Johnny that she had NOTHING to do with it.

So, before Brother Johnny preached this morning, this little boy stood up there and preached about Daniel in the lion's den. His message was about being courageous and not having anger in our hearts. It did me more good today than what Brother Johnny preached about, to tell you the truth! Because, after all, I am already saved! That little boy did and AWESOME job! He even had his verses memorized!

It was awesome!

Then, I went back to work. I made $100 today before I decided to call it day. I took a lady to KFC, then picked her up from McD's and took her home. The smell of the food in the car made me crave fried chicken, and I know I am not supposed to have that right now. I decided it was time to go back to my room and fix me something to eat. So, I called it a day.

It's depressing when I can't just get what I want anymore.

I guess God is trying to teach me something. After all, I usually do get what I want...eventually.

I am fixing to turn on "Ancient Aliens". I broke down and subscribed to HULU.

Have a blessed day!

P.S. I included this video below to show you how powerful a child preacher is!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

My Nails

Good morning, World!

Today is the Sabbath.

Now that I am able to, I see no reason to not obey God's command to set aside this day for rest and reflection.

So, that is what I am going to do.

I may venture out today, but I will not be working. (As much as I would like to).

I figure it like this: God has answered my prayer and given me the break that I have been hoping for during the last couple of years. It is time that honor Him and do according to His Will, as He has made me able to do so.

I have failed Him so many times over the past couple of years. But, God is a merciful God. He sent Jesus to pay for my shortcomings. I am ashamed that Jesus had to pay for my sins the way He did, but I am grateful that it means I can have a second chance...or a third one. (Because God knows that I am going to fail again).

Anyway, I'll be here all day. Just a finger tap away on Facebook.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 23, 2024

Spaghetti and sleep

Good morning, World!

I slept until 9 AM this morning. Much later than I had intended to sleep, but it felt good.

Right now I am eating a spaghetti frozen dinner for breakfast. Then, I will start my day.

Yesterday, I didn't get started until around noon, due to the phone outage. I was so glad when it finally came back up!

Today, I will only have to make $60 in order to have enough to pay my Capital One bill on the 27th, because I was able to transfer some of my earnings into my bank account from my brokerage account. That is my goal.

Ya'll have a blessed day!