Saturday, August 3, 2019

I Know God is Big Enough

Those who have been watching my posts for awhile know that about four months ago, I went from a job that I was making over $3,000 a month to being unemployed. I had a little over 2 months worth of bill money saved up.

Thirty years of going from job to job to survive has worn me down. God has held me up countless times during the last thirty years. Most of the time I had no benefits; and, yet, when I needed them most, God gave me what I needed when I needed it most. His timing in my life has always been perfect. My wants and desires have not.

This time, when I found myself unemployed again, I found myself aggravated and, in a way, angry. Why does God keep giving me my heart's desire and then take it away again? Why does He keep pulling me from place to place in my life, from having everything to having nothing, to barely getting by, to struggling to make ends meet, to robbing from Peter to pay Paul, to realizing that I didn't need much to having everything I could possibly want again just to put me in this position AGAIN and AGAIN...and, again.

I was tired of losing everything, depending on other people and corporations for a paycheck, for my survival.

I learned a long time ago to store back what I can because I will always, inevitably, need it at some point. This time, I started a savings and investment account. I bought a canner. I purchased a freezer. And, I put money down on a home that payments on are cheaper than I would pay in rent anywhere...and give me the option of renting out my extra rooms. I also got approved for two lines of credit, should I need it.

Two months was all I had saved up.

I took a week to grieve the loss of my job before I started putting out applications. Even then, I was so angry and depressed that I couldn't put my heart into finding a job. I wanted something to do that would bring in money and I wouldn't have to worry about losing my job again. I needed MY OWN BUSINESS. And, I needed it to work.

Avon was the answer.

I decided to invest as much as I could invest into it, so when I run out of my two months of saving, I at least had something coming in. So, that's what I did.

No, I'm not making near enough to make what I was making yet, but I see the possibility, and I have a God that is big enough to make it happen. If I put in as much work and as many hours I did at a job with a paycheck, my Avon business will be successful. And, if I depend on a God that is big enough to make that happen, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I may not get rich, or even make what I made, but my needs will be provided for. My boss is always on time with my check.

And, my God owns a lot of banks.

Everyone keeps asking me if I am still looking for a job. I think I've decided, finally, that the answer is no. I have a job.

I counted the time. It's been four months. God has carried me the last two. I have no doubt He will continue to do so.

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to trust You more!

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