Friday, July 19, 2019

Skin So Soft and Fleas

Hello, World!

I'm getting ready to go out and sell some Avon here in New Boston. I have to wait until After 5 PM to let it cool down.

But, let me tell you, if your dog (or cat) has fleas, the BEST stuff to use is Skin-so-Soft Original Bath Oil Spray. And, I'm not just saying that because I sell the stuff. LOL

Two days ago I gave my fur-babies a bath in Dawn dish soap. Then, I sprayed them with the Skin-So-Soft. I have not seen one flea on them. The only scratching they've done is the normal stuff.

Today, I sprayed them again, because I could tell that it's wearing off -- just like any bug spray would do after awhile. But, this is day three, and they are still bug-free, even before I sprayed it.

I will never go back to buying flea and tick stuff at Wal-Mart again! THIS STUFF WORKS!

And, to top it off, they SMELL good!

(Of course, if you need some, Click HERE!)

Have a blessed day!
(I know the baby-dogs are feeling blessed!)

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