Tuesday, July 9, 2019

God and Ancient Aliens

We've all seen the show on the History Channel about Ancient Aliens.

I am not so arrogant as to say that there are no aliens on other planets. But I am not foolish enough to say that God did not create them or to call the creation gods.

It is okay to seek after knowledge. It is okay to do research on ancient aliens. It is okay to seek to go to other planets in order to better our way of life and seek out new alliances.

We must remember however, knowledge, which can be enlightening, can also be a stumbling block.

There is only one God, who is, was, and always will be. My God has no beginning or end. He is infinite. Anything, and I mean anything, that leads you away from God, is of Satan.

So while you are doing your "research", be sure and keep in perspective the definition of creation versus the definition of creator.

Understanding science does not lead you to understand God. Understanding science lead you to understand God's works. There is a difference.

God creates His creation to create. As long as His creation follows Him and His laws, whatever it creates is good. But if His creation decides to elevate itself into being called gods, and seeks to create in order to control and manipulate and do evil deeds, the creation becomes bad.

Once the original sin entered into the equation God's creation became flawed. They forgot that there is only one God and it is not them or us.

There are too many today who seek to put someone else or something else in the place of God. I say again, there is only one God.

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