Sunday, July 14, 2019

My grandfather could have been Ross Perot...

My grandma went to school with Ross Perot. She said the kids at school made fun of him all the time. They called him "Parrot" because of the spelling of his name. He privately asked her not to do that one day when they were hanging out together.

She told me a story once of how Ross Perot had asked her to marry him. She turned him down in favor of my grandaddy, who was going to war to volunteer his service to Normandy, at the time. She explained her plans to Ross Perot, who tried to talk her out of quitting school.

Grandma told him she didn't have the money for books and stuff.

Ross Perot, about the same age she was, was a very resourceful young man. He worked from the time he was old enough to work to help his family out, and to have his own money.

Ross Perot offered to buy her books for her, and to make sure she had transportation to and from school. This was during the backside of the Great Depression. She didn't even have to marry him for him to help her.

She turned him down, and delayed her education until Grandaddy came home from the war and made her go get her GED. Then she became a Nurse and retired from Wadley Hospital.

Just to think that Ross Perot could have possibly been my grandfather was amazing...but we know how this works. If that had happened, I may not even have existed.

Grandma turned down Ross Perot. Wow....

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