Monday, January 27, 2020

Love is an Action

Love is an action, not an emotion.

Love is a verb, not an adjective.

Jesus said we should love one another as He first loved us. How did He love us? He loved us by giving us everything we have, from the first breath we ever took to the daily necessities we can't live without, to the peace we feel when we draw our final breath.

We can only feel His arms around us when we become blessed with an answer to our prayers, or we come to the realization that what we have we could not have obtained on our own.

We pray for things that make us feel good and wonder why our prayers are not answered. We pray to have that soulmate who would fulfill us, when we already have the author of our soul to give us all we need to be whole.

And, all He has asked is that we "pay it forward."

When we see that person who is ill, we should care for them. Not just with our prayers, but with our PROVISION. Because God has provided us with our health.

When we see that homeless person on the street, we should help him. Not by just smiling and telling them, "I love you" (only words), but by PROVISION, leading him to shelter -- because God has provided us with shelter.

When we see the unemployed single mom or dad, we should do more than high five them for being so strong. We should help them with our PROVISION, helping them find and keep gainful employment so they are not dependent, as God has provided for us.

Jesus said we do not have our prayers answered because we ask amiss. Maybe what He meant was that we are always asking God to give us more, rather than asking God to help us give more.

Love, TRUE love, is giving back what has so graciously been given to you by graciously showing someone else what God has shown you, even when it hurts.

Jesus gave His life. He suffered great pain. He hungered. He thirsted. And, He never asked us to do anything but pay it forward.

Don't tell someone you love them.

SHOW them.

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