Friday, December 13, 2019

A Message to Women Everywhere


When you are in a relationship with a man, you are not ENTITLED to ANYTHING from him except his loyalty.

Too many women drag a man down into the mud and de-emasculate him to the point of not even trying anymore just because they don't get what they thought they should get out of the relationship.

It makes it hard on other women who might find what he has to offer attractive.

It isn't fair to anyone involved, INCLUDING you. So stop thinking you are entitled to being treated royally when you haven't earned it.

Women like YOU make women like ME ANGRY.

If some women would stop jumping into relationships for what they think they might get out of it and then becoming disappointed and throwing it away after running him down into the ground for something he can't control and is so far from who he is as a person, instead of carefully vetting the man they want before the relationship and getting to KNOW him on a deeper level before getting involved and appreciating him for who he is BEFORE the relationship starts, we'd see a lot more successful couples and higher quality men would be more available.

Just saying.

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