Monday, October 14, 2019

When is it okay to be selfish?

I asked this question on my FaceBook page. Here are a few of the answers I got:


I disagree

When whoever you are dealing with refuses to be unselfish -- if that makes sense!

Good answer

When your health depends on it...sometimes you gotta take care of yourself first.

That's true. And a lot of times people don't take into account that MENTAL health is just as important as PHYSICAL.

I think the word "selfish" is relative. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That means that you take into account someone's situation before you decide to not be selfish or hold back. For instance, if someone wants my time, I should spend it with them...UNLESS I have to work. If that person wants to call me selfish for making a living, then they are the ones being selfish. Does that make sense? I'm not going to put my livelihood in jeapordy.

I don't think God intends for me to give up my livelihood for someone else any more than He intended for the Israelites to give up their land just because someone else wanted it.

THEREFORE, I shouldn't be judgmental when someone else doesn't have time for me due to their job always calling them in at the last minute

Selfish is married to greed and that is a fact!

Which is more greedy? wanting someone to give up their livelihood to spend time with you or taking the opportunity to not get fired and have a better future to provide for someone, therefore sacrificing the time someone asks you to have?

In the end, I came to an understanding that everyone has different ideas of what "selfishness" is. So, in order to have a "healthy" relationship, it might be wise to decide what selfishness is to you, and whether you fit the bill enough to change, or whether you are enabling someone else's "selfishness"; and in any situation I should put myself in their place before I pass judgment and decide whether or not to be selfish in kind.

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