Saturday, June 24, 2023

Hot Day

It is hot out today. And, it is the Sabbath.

I'm not going to stress too much today. But I'm going to work as much as I am able. I only have 7 days to make enough money to pay my rent.

I deposited my money into ETrade last night but it's not showing this morning. I'm hoping it's because it is Saturday.

I washed my clothes last night. I'm good for another couple of weeks now.

I made more tea this morning.

So this lady in a pink Jeep was driving in front of me a few cars up. She had a bunch of stuff in her passenger seat. A suitcase was on top of it. It fell out of the Jeep as she was making the turn at the stoplight. She had to go up a little ways to turn around to come back and get it.

A car stopped and picked up her suitcase and put it in his car. He was going the opposite direction. I saw her coming back. I hope she didn't need anything out of that suitcase!

I'm praying to get out from under this debt bondage again.

I have been feeling spiritually distant over the past week due to all of the events that happened. I am trying to stay on top of my prayer life, but everything feels so heavy right now.

I know God's got this! He's going to pull me through somehow, some way, someday!

I bought $13 worth of gas to start my day.

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