Sunday, September 25, 2022

Financial Fitness as a Christian

Hello, World!

Did you know that Jesus talked more about money management than any other subject? I am currently listening to Pastor Rick's Daily Hope about Financial Fitness - 2022.

I am not rich. Not even close. As a matter of fact, right now, I'm living day to day, dollar to dollar...trying to keep up with my bills. But, last year, I was doing really well. I actually had enough money to pay all my bills in the month ahead, due to saving and investing.

Emergencies happen. That's what happened to me.

And, right now, I am struggling to get caught back up.

In all this, I have realized that God is in control. God will have His way no matter what you do, but that does not mean that you sit back and do nothing to help yourself.

God gives you all you have. He expects you to use it how HE sees fit. If you don't, He will take the responsibility and all that comes with it away, until you can prove that you are trustworthy toward His will.

In order to be able to prove you can be trusted, God never takes it ALL away. He leaves you just enough to survive. He expects you to first and foremost, acknowledge Him in ALL He has given you, whether it is a little or a lot. And, for some, little does not mean less love or trust. Little can mean that that is where God needs you RIGHT NOW.

God may not give you money to take care of problems you encounter that require it, either. But, He ALWAYS gives you resources you can use to get what you need.

And, everything God gives you is a communication from Him to you. Everything you experience - whether you have little or much - is to teach you something. It is what you learn from any experience that determines whether or not you are ready for more.

I look forward to sharing my daily life with you from here on out. I want to show you what I have learned. I want to share what I know so that you can do it for yourself. I want you to have all the information you need to make educated choices in your life. And, I want you, above all, to realize that you would have NONE of it except that God gave it to you. I want to teach you to follow Jesus in all you are and all you do.

And, I will do this by sharing my failures as well as my successes.

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