Friday, January 5, 2024

Happy Friday, January 5, 2024

Good morning, World!

I slept at the Flying J last night in Mandeville. It was really peaceful, and I actually found a place where the light wasn't shining in my eyes all night so I could sleep better.

Normally, I would try to wear a scarf over my eyes, but that gets old.

The bathroom was fairly close to the parking spot.

And it didn't start raining until after I went to the restroom about 3:00 this morning.

Apparently somehow, my trunk was opened after that, and when it started raining it rained inside my trunk. My suitcase was in my trunk. Luckily it was closed.

Everything got wet. I don't think the rain got through my suitcase though. And I had everything else in my car in the backseat. So no damage done there.

I don't know how the trunk was opened. I might have accidentally pushed the button when I tried to lock my door. If it was a burglar, he didn't find anything to steal, apparently.

In my dream last night, I believe that God was telling me that my situation is nearly over. That I will experience new things and certain problems will be resolved.

I was told to search within myself and make necessary changes that will be beneficial to my future.

I was told that all of what is happening and what will happen is a part of God's plan.

I was told that I need to diligently search for answers to my questions. And I need to be true to my boundaries and confident that God is in control.

Very soon, I will be in a position where I can make a difference in other people's lives, and I need to be careful how I handle the power that is going to be given me. 

The days of oppression are nearly over.

I pray that all of this is true!

I'm not going to be able to work much today if it keeps raining.

Y'all have a blessed day!

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