Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, World!

About 2000 and some odd years ago, a baby was born on the other side of the world.

This child would grow up to change the world, then die a horrible death by those who despised what he was trying to teach the world.

But, they killed him too late.

Because he existed -- because he was born and placed in a lowly manger on a cold night in a dirty cave used as a barn as nothing special, a baby, just like you and me, he was able to touch the lives of the common people...who FAR outnumber those of privilege! And, at the same time, he gave hope to the privileged and softened even their hearts.

He showed the world how to give, even when you have nothing. He taught them to have faith, even when hope was lost. He loved the unlovable. He befriended the lowliest of society, and he didn't discriminate. He loved God, and He loved US; and He commanded that the world should follow him in doing so.

He was the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. And, He said that we would go on to perform even greater miracles than he did. He said we would suffer worse than he did. He said we would be blessed for enduring whatever came to us. And, He didn't lie.

I was a lonely child when I was young. I prayed one day, because my pastor told me in a sermon one Sunday that if I talked to Jesus, He would listen. I wondered if He would talk back. I remember telling Him how I was feeling. I remember telling Him how I was treated, and I remember telling Him how lonely I felt, even in a crowd.

I remember when I was through praying, suddenly, I felt a peace come over me. I heard the "still small voice" speak to me. He said two words that changed my life:

"I know."

Christmas can be a time of loneliness, or it can be a time of joy. No matter what you are feeling this Christmas, REJOICE!

For unto us this day, a child was born who would get up and walk out of the grave 33 years later!

Christmas isn't about celebrating His birth. It's about celebrating His LIFE!

And having the faith to understand that HE KNOWS.

And He loves us, anyway!

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