Sunday, September 8, 2019

Fear is a Liar

I am fearless

Well, not really. More often than not, I leave the house afraid each day.

I'm afraid I will run out of gas.

I'm afraid I won't make enough in sales to pay my bills.

I'm afraid of each person I approach every day -- afraid they won't like me, or afraid they will reject me, or afraid they will order and not pay, or that they will order something they don't like, or that they will take a book and not call or turn me down during my call back.

I'm afraid my house will burn down while I am gone, or my dogs will find a way to run off.

I'm afraid of meeting someone who only wants me for my body or my money.

I'm afraid of not having enough money -- running out of tea, sugar, food, and not having clean clothes.


Each day I face those fears head on. I leave the house determined that a hundred "No" is worth one single "Yes!"

One smile from a stranger is worth ten scowls.

One friendship is worth wondering if my friend will be fearless when I say "No", and stick around anyway.

One stranger who becomes a friend, as well as a lifetime customer is worth a thousand gallons of gas bought on credit.

Joyce Meyer said it best in her sermon today:

"Do it afraid!"

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