Thursday, September 19, 2019

Avon, Milo and Deer

Today, my Avon order came in early.

I spent two hours bagging all the products for delivery, complete with books and samples.

The trailer park owner sent some dude to pass out letters to all the people in the park. They raised the lot rent by $50. I told Gary (one of my housemates), "Do you know how much Avon I have to sell to make another $50?" They claimed it was because of the water rate increase. Gary started griping about President Trump, saying it was his fault. I wasn't sure what Trump had to do with the water rate increase, but I let him gripe. I didn't feel like debating today.

Then, I decided to deliver to my mom and sister.

My sister was in New Boston, about a mile away from me. She asked me to meet her at Wal-Mart. Her truck was hooked to a trailer so she didn't want to come to my house in the Trailer park. So, I gathered up her order, mom's order, and another customer's order to deliver along the way.

My mom was camping out at the lake, so after making the first two deliveries, me and my dog, Milo, went to the lake.

This morning, I had asked Milo, "You want to go with Mama to see MeeMaw?" He ran around in circles and jumped in my lap to try to lick my face. I told him, "Okay! OKay! Not right now! Later this evening!"

He waited by the door all day until it was time to go. I didn't have the heart not to take him with me. LOL

When we got to the camp site, Milo ran around peeing on every tree he came to. He was so excited to be there he was panting with thirst. So, I went into my mom's new camper and retrieved a bowl of water. Before I put it down, I made Milo bark "I love you!" Everyone got a kick out of that. Milo wanted water BAD!

Then, we saw 5 deer across the road. I took a picture (included in this post). I was afraid Milo would notice them and try to chase them, so I hooked him back on the leash until it was time for us to go home.

I am home now, fixing to label my new Avon books.

Have a blessed night!

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