Sunday, January 5, 2020

Walking Away

Hello, World.

Today was a day of decision.

I have decided that I am not going to be someone that sits around and waits for life to come to me. I'm going to go to it.

I have decided that, in spite of how I might feel about a situation, or in spite of what I want right now, I'm going to go where the door is open and quit looking at a closed door and hoping someone unlocks it.

Maybe I'll make my way back some day and find the door open for me, but if it is locked, then obviously, God has other plans for me right now. It's time to move on.

One of the things I learned as I went through my healing during the past six years, is that opportunity is everywhere. I should never do without anything I need because if I can't find it in one place, it always appears somewhere else -- and usually it's where God wants me to be at that moment. And, even if it is inconvenient for me to go where I need to go to get my needs met, and I would rather not make the effort, I've learned that the blessing is sometimes found in the journey.

So, it's time I move on.

I can rest assured that I was where I needed to be until then. God has a reason for everything that happens in life. Even if the lesson isn't for me.

And, as much as I want to continue to try to move a mountain by myself, I know, deep down, that mountains can only be moved by God.

I look around me right now and I see so many opportunities that are in front of me that, three years ago, I would not have hesitated to move on. But, as I sit here spinning my wheels, and getting dirty from all the mud slinging on me, I see them slowly passing by me. I can still grab hold of them, if I reach out now and do it.

I don't know where these opportunities are going to take me. I don't know if I will regret the time I've spent spinning my wheels. I don't even know if I will ever have an opportunity to walk through the locked door that has been in front of me for awhile. But, I do know that time reveals everything, and that life is short, and if I don't take a chance that what I find on the journey I need to take is what I need, then I will miss the blessings in front of me.

Time heals everything. God works in my tomorrow as much as He does in my today. And, God is infinite. Where I have seen Him in my past, I know I will see Him in my future. And, if He sees fit to wind the road back to where I am right now, and I am able to see the door in front of me without a lock on it, I will go through it then. It's all in God's timing, not mine.

All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to HIS purpose.

Thy will be done, O Lord.

Have a blessed day.

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