Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mylee and the Chicks

I am so proud of my 11-year-old niece, Mylee. She has taken to raising Chickens over the past year or so. She has recently started collecting eggs to sell for $2 a dozen.

Her step-dad even went and got her a tax number so she could get her supplies tax-free. I told her, "Mylee, I'm so proud of you! YOU are now an official BUSINESS!"

She has been through dogs getting in the chicken pen, and snakes stealing her eggs. She has learned how to reinforce her cages and use nest eggs.

That has really been an experience for her. She uses the money to buy feed for her chickens. Just recently, though, she has decided to raise some of her own chicks.

She bought an incubator and had 42 eggs that were in it, waiting to hatch out.

Well, the other night, a big storm blew through. It knocked out her electricity. For four hours, the incubator was down. Her babies were in danger and she was frantic!

Her step-dad, Ronnie, called my mom -- who is just about 2 miles down the road from them. Mom's home still had electricity. So he loaded up Mylee and the incubator with all the eggs and transported them to Mom's house.

Mylee sat with the chicks all night until she fell asleep. She woke up with a surprise!

"MEEMAW!!!!" she screamed! "I GOT TWEETERS!"

Some of her chicks were hatched out.

I was so excited for her!

Learn how to build your own Chicken Coop!

Here is a video of some chicks hatching I found on YouTube!

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