Saturday, October 21, 2017

Speaking on Division:

I have long ago stopped caring whether people like me for who I am, for what I believe and what I stand for anymore. I have made it a point not to try to win others to MY way of thinking, but rather, to educate them so that they can know what it is THEY stand for. I present what I know and why I feel the way I do, and if they don't -- oh well. They can stay ignorant. I'm not. That's all that matters.

To thine own self be true...and if others come to know you, they will understand that if that is true about you, then to them you have no choice but to be true, also.

If they attack me, I shake the dust from my sandals and walk on. I don't have to listen to or put up with anyone ridiculing me, bullying me or chastising me for what I stand for and what I believe to be true. I just have to keep believing it, because I know WHY I believe it. If others don't believe it, and wish to stand on the other side of the issue, that is well and good. I will allow them to, so long as they are not attacking me, and so long as they STAY on their side of the line.

If we must communicate, I expect to be respected in spite of their beliefs, not because of mine, because I do my best to respect others who believe differently in spite of what I believe, not because they believe the way they do.

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