Sunday, December 23, 2018


You know the old joke: If a tree falls in the forest and you are not there to see it, does it make a sound?

Makes me think. If there were no churches for people to congregate at on Sunday, would there still be Christians?

If there was no church to go to, would it lessen your responsibility to do what God has commanded? What Jesus instructed? Would we still be required and able to love one another as God has first loved us? To do good to one another? To help one another? To tell everyone about Jesus?

Why then, do some Christians couple going to church with being a Christian? Why do they judge others who do not congregate on Sunday? Some even say it is a sin not to attend church.

The Bible doesn't say that.

The Bible says that we should have fellowship with other believers. It doesn't set aside a specific day and time, or say how many have to be there, or tell you that your prayers are not answered if you are not in church to pray them. I have searched and searched the Bible for such verses to support that thought, and found none.

I believe firmly, therefore, that if people would concentrate more on BEING the church instead of GOING to church, the world would be a better place.

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